DAAD Mexico consists at present of a regional office, four lektors operating in Mexico, the Humboldt Professorship, long-term German professors, and several language assistants.
For the DAAD the end of the funding period is the beginning of a long-standing relationship with its alumni. Our goal is to promote the contact of alumni among themselves and with the DAAD or by supporting the formation of Alumni Clubs, whether through various programmes and activities.
German universities, as is the case all over the world, have broad networks of international partners. Through cooperation programs among higher education institutions, DAAD supports German universities in expanding these networks. At our Mexico office we provide consulting on the multiple opportunities available to create or encourage academic cooperation programs between Mexico and Germany.
You'd like to study in Germany? A great idea! We look forward to welcoming you! You're not yet sure which university to apply to? You're interested in doing a PhD and are looking for an appropriate programme? Are you wondering how to finance your stay, or how foreign students live in Germany and how they're supervised? We're happy to help.
Are you interested in studying, researching or teaching in Mexico? Have you thought about completing an internship or learning a foreign language abroad? Here you can find all the information.
MBA & Engineering in Life Science Management Programme
Internationally accredited MBA&E providing life science expertise required in leaders of the future combining comprehensive, industry-specific knowledge and management skills.
Sustainable Tourism, B.A.: Become a Change Agent for the Future of Tra...
Tourism is booming post-COVID, driving economic growth—but at a cost. Environmental challenges, cultural shifts, and rising CO2 emissions demand a new approach. The Sustainable Tourism, B.A. program e...
Full Scholarships Available: Master of Law & Business
Apply by 15 January and study with a full or partial scholarship at one of Germany’s top private universities: Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. Find out more!
“Master of Science in Manufacturing Technology” (M.Sc.)
Boost your engineering career by studying Manufacturing in Germany, one of the top Manufacturing nations worldwide! Apply from Feb 1st – Mar 15th at TU Dortmund University. No tuition fees.
Kick-start your future career in Financial Management
If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management with an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomberg Lab could be just right for you!
Technical Engineering (B.Eng.): Start your career by studying at OTH A...
Would you like to pursue a career as an engineer? OTH Amberg-Weiden offers you the best opportunity to obtain a Bachelor of Engineering degree at a leading German university.
Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes
Study management in English. Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation a...
Advance your career with an MBA from Pforzheim University, one of the ...
The full-time MBA in International Management at Pforzheim University combines a classical management education with the most relevant future topics: Innovation & Digital Business, Sustainable Global...
Master’s Program International Media Studies: Apply now!
The four-semester Master’s degree offers an unparalleled mix of research, lectures and practical experience and prepares students for careers in the digital media industries.
¡Nuestro equipo les desea #FelicesFiestas en compañía de su familia y seres amados! Les avisamos atentamente que nuestra Oficina Regional permanecerá cerrada a partir de lunes 23-12-24 hasta el 03/01/25. Nos dará mucho gusto saludarles nuevamente a partir del 06/01/25. https://t.co/2WDTk20iOG
¿Tu hij@ quiere estudiar en Alemania 👩🎓🇩🇪👨🎓? ¡Consulta nuestro nuevo folleto informativo para padres de familia donde contestaremos las preguntas más frencuentes al respecto! Podrás descargar éste folleto y otros más en https://t.co/ctQyXb4oUV#estudiarenalemania#daadhttps://t.co/NUsIwgnOxk
¿Estás buscando opciones de financiamiento para tus estudios en #Alemania 🇩🇪 ? El Funding Guide es el buscador de #becas más amplio para todos aquellos interesados en realizar sus estudios académicos en Alemania: https://t.co/FDTIRn5i6Hhttps://t.co/khsLeuwCvk
¡El DAAD MX les desea un buen inicio de semana desde #Ilmenau! 🎉
Su Universidad Técnica tiene un ambiente familiar y se centra en las carreras de ingeniería y las asignaturas STEM. Ilmenau es perfecta para los amantes de la naturaleza y montañas. #tuciudadalemana#alemania#daadhttps://t.co/taZqmnoVDF
¡El DAAD MX les desea un buen inicio de semana desde #Hamburgo! 🎉Casi 20 universidades te ofrecen una enorme variedad de programas de estudio en todas las disciplinas. Es perfecta para amantes de las ciudades grandes e internacionales y los deportes náuticos. 🚣♀️ #tuciudadalemanahttps://t.co/W5Mq0SLZbE
¡Hoy celebramos el Día de San Nicolás (Nikolaustag)! En Alemania este día es muy especial, pues los niños esperan impacientemente la visita de San Nicolás el 6 de diciembre. Si se han portado bien, San Nicolás les trae caramelos, nueces o mandarinas. 🎁 https://t.co/XCGypEzOih
ABIERTAS NUESTRAS BECAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN: Este programa brinda a doctorandos y postdocs en su fase inicial de todas las áreas la oportunidad de realizar proyectos de investigación en una universidad o un centro de investigación en Alemania. Infórmate en https://t.co/jHWDkz3pRthttps://t.co/2wYnOZmyl1
✨❄️MAÑANA - última sesión del año❄️✨
Participa en nuestra próxima sesión informativa "Estudia e investiga en Alemania – encuentra tu camino y opciones de financiamiento"!🎓🇩🇪
📅 Martes, 3 de diciembre a las 14 hrs. de manera virtual
✅ Regístrate en https://t.co/nijJ9uPakWhttps://t.co/oUHzn80bim
¡El DAAD MX les desea un buen inicio de semana desde #Gießen! Sus cuatro universidades ofrecen muchas carreras, principalmente en la enseñanza, la lingüística, los estudios culturales y las materias STEM. Es perfecta para los amantes de la cultura típica alemana. #tuciudadalemanahttps://t.co/VSbvKRbjmz